Ugrás a tartalomra

Walsh, Robert: Constantinople and the scenery of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor illustrated. In a series of drawings from nature by Thomas Allom. With an historical account of Constantinople and descriptions of the plates. I-II series [egybekötve].

Walsh, Robert
A mű címe
Constantinople and the scenery of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor illustrated. In a series of drawings from nature by Thomas Allom. With an historical account of Constantinople and descriptions of the plates. I-II series [egybekötve].
London-Paris, Fisher, Son & Co (4)+XXXVI+84p.+47t.+1 térk.+(4)+100p.+49t. Két metszett díszcímlappal. Enyhén kopottas, aranyozott gerincű, korabeli félbőr-kötésben. Slightly worn contemporary half leather. Spine gilt.
119. árverés / 177.

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